Nuclear decommissioning encompasses all technical and management actions associated with ceasing operation of a nuclear installation and its subsequent dismantling to remove it from regulatory control, aiming at delivering an environmentally friendly end-product, in line with the ‘circular economy’, as promoted by the EU.

Thereby, there is an increasing interest and also pressure from society that the principles of environmental sustainability are applied to all industrial activities, e.g. in line with the sustainable development agenda of the United Nations. This issue has strong ethical dimensions: the generations which gained benefit from the use of nuclear energy should, where reasonably practicable, not pass the burden of addressing the associated legacies to future generations.

Decommissioning represents a crucial stage of the nuclear cycle and remain highly complex with. There are still very few demonstrations of decommissioning programs finalized on an industrial scale and if decommissioning activities reached a certain level of maturity, further technological development work is required, particularly aiming at improving performances, safety and waste minimization. Countries are facing many challenges, including high costs, difficulties in using innovative technologies or lack of resources. In this context, coordination between stakeholders is of utmost importance.


The decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear facilities is a global challenge to be addressed in the years to come. This entails a proper management of contaminated materials, which starts with their reliable and efficient characterisation. In addition to establishing standardised guidelines, INSIDER expects to have economic, societal and environmental impacts in the short, medium and long term, promoting reversibility and sustainability. In addition to establishing standardised guidelines, INSIDER expects to have economic, societal and environmental impacts in the short, medium and long term, promoting reversibility and sustainability.

See the website:

The PREDIS project targets the development and implementation of activities for pre-disposal treatment of radioactive waste streams other than nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste.
Member States will profit from measurable benefits including the further development and increase in Technological Readiness Level of treatment and conditioning methodologies for wastes for which no adequate or industrially mature solutions are currently available.
See the website:

Routes objectives is to:

  • Provide an opportunity to share experience and knowledge on waste management routes between interested organisations (from different countries, with programmes at different stages of development, with different amounts and types of radioactive waste to manage).
  • Identify safety-relevant issues and their R&D needsassociated with the waste management routes (cradle to grave), including the management routes of legacy and historical waste, considering interdependenciesbetween the routes.
  • Describe and compare the different approaches to characterisation, treatment and conditioning and to long-term waste management routes, and identify opportunities for collaboration between MS (member states).

See website:

Safe interim storage and final disposal of radioactive waste (RW) requires effective characterization and quality control of the waste. The CHANCE project therefore aims to address the specific and complex issue of the characterization of conditioned radioactive waste (CRW) by means of non-destructive analytical (NDA) techniques and methodologies. Characterization issues within CHANCE encompass both physico-chemical characterization and radiological characterization.

See website:

The goal of the MICADO project is to propose a cost-effective solution for non-destructing characterization of nuclear waste, implementing a digitization process that could become a referenced standard facilitating and harmonizing the methodology used for the in-field Waste Management and Dismantling & Decommissioning operations.

See website:


SHARE consortium organises a 3-days public workshop on needs in research and on-going initiatives for nuclear decommissioning, December 1-3, 2020 2560 1920 Share

SHARE consortium organises a 3-days public workshop on needs in research and on-going initiatives for nuclear decommissioning, December 1-3, 2020

SHARE consortium organises a 3-days public workshop on needs in research and on-going initiatives for nuclear decommissioning, December 1-3, 2020 This workshop will be a great opportunity  to hear stakeholders’ voices  and go deeper in the understanding of their needs in order to build, by end of 2021,  a shared road map for future potential…

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SHARE organized a 2-days workshop on international best-practices in nuclear Decommissioning 870 489 Share

SHARE organized a 2-days workshop on international best-practices in nuclear Decommissioning

SHARE organized a 2-days workshop  on international best-practices in nuclear Decommissioning On October 22nd and 23rd 2020, a meeting consortium was organized to share results obtained at this stage, complete missing information as much as possible and coordinate with some other EU initiatives in the field of characterization and treatment of waste (PREDIS, EURAD/ROUTE, CHANCE, MICADO,…

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SHARE Consortium participate to NUWCEM in 2021 1016 630 Share

SHARE Consortium participate to NUWCEM in 2021

SHARE consortium will participate to NUWCEM that will take place June 09-11, 2021 in Palais des Papes, Avignon, France. For this occasion, SHARE consortium will present the project and its results obtained so far. NUWCEM A 3 day conference talks and posters, will be held in Avignon, France, from 9 to 11 June 2021, at…

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